Saturday, March 29, 2008
About Me
- Name: Wingnut523
- Location: Sherman Oaks, California, United States
I am a card carrying member of the Republican Attack Machine, a dyed in the wool right wing psychotic conservative, NRA member, Dittohead, lizardoid, minuteman, you name it. I feel that the framers of our Constitution knew what they were doing when they wrote every word and that as an American citizen I have the Constitutional right to keep and bear nuclear arms. I feel Bill O'Reilly has gone soft. I am the extreme right wing. I wear that badge proudly, and I invite any debate in the arena of ideas.
Previous Posts
- What Chase did with it's TARP money
- Shameless coverup: The Flight 93 mosque, Part 4
- Rush's Speech at Hillsdale College Churchill Dinne...
- It could happen here, too...
- Please Vote McCain
- Algore's Bullshit!!!
- 232 Years & Running Strong!
- Sign The Petition