Tuesday, January 15, 2008

RAM Endorses Jimmy Tide

While we here at the Attack Machine rarely (if ever) endorse political candidates in the primary season, a man has clearly separated himself from the pack, much in the way laundry is separated whites from coloreds. His message is one for a cleaner America, and golly does this lil' fella know clean. Therefore, after long hours of deliberation, the Republican Attack Machine proudly endorses Jimmy Tide for the Republican nomination in 2008. May God bless the clean shirts of America, and may God continue to bless Jimmy Tide!

Vote Jimmy Tide '08!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Update, Greatest Video Ever

Apparently, those wussies over at YouTube feel that showing our brave airmen kicking serious A$$ from their superior gunships and wiping out enemy resistance is just too much for the fragile sensibilities of people who regularly allow jihadi videos of all stripes to play unfettered. So here's the video, still hosted at LiveLeak:

Click Here for Apache Goodness

Greatest Video Ever!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

America's Mayor